Daniel Sutcliffe wrote:
> I have only just subscribed to this list so I apologise if I don't
> follow protocol.  I thought this would be easy but my Web searches
> have led to nothing and I can't find a archive for this list :-(

Still haven't managed to find a searchable archive of this list.
Is there one out there?


> However, my certificates have now started to expire and I am
> getting warning dialogs from my apps.  Not really a big deal as
> all the secured services are private and are still usable, but it
> is annoying.  I have searched for a way to renew the existing
> certs and read through the openssl ca man page several times but
> I just can't work out what I'm supposed to do.  I did find one
> page that seemed to suggest that I revoke my expired certificates
> and then resign the CSRs but this doesn't seem right to me.

I guess revoking the expired and then resigning the CSR is the
"proper" way to do things, at least I could not find instructions
for doing it any other way.  So that's what I did.  If anyone's
interested I got instructions from the SSL Certificates HOWTO that
is part of the Linux Documentation Project:
Hope this info can help someone else, cheers
Daniel Sutcliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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