Hi People,
         I have a problem with the Apache Server, working with SSL. I´m
using : Apache 1.2.22 / mod_ssl 2.8.5 / OpenSSL 0.9.6a. The log error that
appera in the log file is :

[Tue Jun 11 12:12:13 2002] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake failed (server
domain.com:443, client (OpenSSL library error follows)
[Tue Jun 11 12:12:13 2002] [error] OpenSSL: error:140B5446:SSL
routines:SSL_GET_NEW_SESSION:engine not initialized

This server is running in Windows 2000 Advanced Server with SP2.

Thanks in advance,
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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