Okay, I've read the FAQ, read shitloads of manpages, read the SSL Certs
HOWTO, but I'm seriously pathetic. I am trying to get a courier imap
server ssl-enabled with no luck. I ran mkimapdcert to do a demo cert ...
which works - of course!!! However, when I setup demoCA, make a CA cert,
and then do a req/sign ... the server fails to negotiate an SSL/TLS
connection because of an I/O error. I am certain that this has to do
with the fact that the demo cert made with mkimapdcert probably doesn't
require a passphrase - thus allowing the imapd daemon to start up
without a hitch. However, I can't come up with the magic set of
arguments to openssl to get my cert to work. Feel free to beat me
senseless with cluebats. Thanks.


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