
I have seen this problem many times. The MS client renegotiates every 2
minutes by default.  There is a registry setting in windows that tells
the browser how often to force a renegotiation in the SSL session, but
off the top of my head I can't remember it.  I will dig to try to find
it.  This solution entails that you are able to influence all users of
the system to impose a registry change.  If you can't do this, then the
solution is void and you must find another way to load balance.

Hope this helps.


> Nicolas Laigle wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this message, if not
> then my apologies.
> We are currently using OpenSSL 0.9.6.b engine version with Apache
> 1.3.19 for commercial purposes and we are facing a problem related to
> load balancing and SSL SESSIONID.
> We are using a level 7 switch to load balance over multiple
> reverse-proxy for our web front end. The level 7 switch has the
> capability to ensure the session affinity using either the SSL
> SESSIONID or the source IP address.
> We would like to avoid using the source IP address because this too
> dependent on the client infrastructure (proxy,...).
> Currently, we force SSL V3 or TLS 1.0 SSL connection types.
> We first intended to use the SSL SESSION ID but we quickly observed
> that this ID was changing during the client session. This is true with
> client browsers such as MSIE 5.x and 6.X.
> My questions are:
> 1) Is the change of SSL SESSIONID a normal behavior during SSL
> re-negotiation ?
> 2) Is there any OpenSSL configuration that could influence the
> re-negotiation of the SSL SESSIONID.
> 3) Is the SSL re-negotiation dependent on the client browser type or
> version ?
> Hope these questions won't bother you too much. Thanks for your help.
> Best regards.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nicolas Laigle
> [Image]
> 148, rue Anatole France
> 92688 Levallois-Perret
> (+33 (0)1 55 63 14 65
> Fax +33 (0)1 55 63 55 31
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