On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 10:49:02AM +0100, Chuo HUANG(CMS) wrote:
> Hello! 
> I have programmed succefully a piece of VC++ with OpenSSL. The program is to
> read the private key in a client's machine and do the signature. I'd like to
> set cookies using this Signature to Client's machine later. 
> What makes me confused is how to combine my VC++ program with web page, for

A custom apache module could be a solution. Naina merchant is such a module.

> example: a php file or a cold fusion file?  I tried to make a .dll file using
> most of my successful win32 application I talked before.And I set a property of
> that DLL as Signature. The Dll was built succefully but the IE stopped when I
> using this DLL in a html file.  It stopped in the statement using the first
> OPenSSL: pkey = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp12, NULL,NULL, NULL);
> Do you have any idea about how can I combine my VC++ program with web page?
> Many thanks,
> Zoe
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