

When I tested the OpenSSL SSL handshake process,

I found that it is might be impossible to turn off some certificate extended usage checks while verifying certificate,

I investigate the following part of source:

             In openssl/ssl/ssl_cert.c of OpenSSL 0.9.7 beta-2.

int ssl_verify_cert_chain(SSL *s,STACK_OF(X509) *sk)



                          if (s->server)

                                       i = X509_PURPOSE_SSL_CLIENT;


                                        i = X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVER;


                           X509_STORE_CTX_purpose_inherit(&ctx, i, s->purpose, s->trust);



The above part set the certificate purpose check option automatically,

But I dont know this above implementation is critical.

I think it is more useful to use SSL_CTX_set_purpose() to turn on or off  all extended usage check.


I always get smart answers from this mailing list,

And all most my questions are from the little understanding of using the OpenSSL.


However, I hope to know how to turn off X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVER or X509_PURPOSE_SSL_CLIENT check options programmatically.

Or why it is constrained like the above source.


In advance,

Thank anyone for answering me.


J. H. Cha




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