Hi to everybody,

First of all:

I'm new to SSL and this list and I have a very bad english so ... sorry
for all ...


I'm developing (or at least trying to develop...) a custom way to store
and retrieve RSA keys by using BN_bn2mpi() and BN_mpi2bn() functions.
Obviously, the private storing use encryption ...
Everything's fine and I'm able to generate a key, store the public part
in clear, store the private key encrypted, retrieve them and inject the
BNs into an RSA object initialized with RSA_new(), and succesfully use
the retrieved key.

The problem is:

When a wrong password is given to decrypt the stored private key, the
resulting key is obviously invalid.
Using RSA_check_key() in that cases sometimes gives an error (right !)
but sometimes leads to an endless loop.

Does anybody knows if there's a workaround for this ?

To reproduce the situation I've attached a tgz with:

- cry.c (the source test program)
- pino.priv (generated by cry.c: encrypted private key)
- pino.pub (generated by cry.c: encrypted private key)
- b (text encrypted by cry.c using pino.pub)

The first can be compiled with:

$ gcc -g -I<path to openssl includes> -lcrypto -o cry cry.c

Then by issueing the command:

$ cry -d b c pino

and giving the (wrong) password 'strozino' the program will (should ?)
hang in RSA_check_key() ...

By giving (instead) the right password 'pallino' the program should
create a file called 'c' containing only the string 'messaggio'.

Thankyou for your help.

I'm using OpenSSL 0.9.6e on a Slackware 8.0 Linux ...

Anyone that finds something useful/interesting/amusing/funny in the
source is free to do what he wants with it ... except blame me ;)

Attachment: cry.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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