
I am using openssl 0.96 on redhat 7.1.

I am trying to write a script to generate CERTs for
me, since I have hundreds of servers to generate certs
for.  Because of this I want to use the prompt=no
option for the openssl config file.  However I have
multiple CN entries in my config file and I am not
sure how this translates to the "Prompt=no" format of
the config file, since the "prompt=no" takes a
different config file format.

This is my original config file format (excerpt only):

[ req ]
default_bits                    = 1024
distinguished_name              = req_DN
[ req_DN ]
0.countryName                     = "1. Country Name  
          (2 letter code)"
0.countryName_min                 = 2
0.countryName_max                 = 2
0.countryName_default             = US
0.stateOrProvinceName             = "2. State or
Province Name   (full name)    "
0.stateOrProvinceName_default     = Los Angeles
0.localityName                    = "3. Locality Name 
          (city name)    "
0.localityName_default            = California
0.organizationName                = "4. Organization
Name        (company name) "
0.organizationName_default        = ZakDen
0.organizationalUnitName          = "5. Organizational
Unit Name (department)   "
0.organizationalUnitName_default  = IT Department
0.commonName                      = "6. Common Name   
          (real fqdn)    "
0.commonName_max                  = 64
0.commonName_default              = imap.zakden.com
1.commonName                      = "6. Common Name   
          (real fqdn)    "
1.commonName_max                  = 64
1.commonName_default              = mail.zakden.com
2.commonName                      = "6. Common Name   
          (real fqdn)    "
2.commonName_max                  = 64
2.commonName_default              = smtp.zakden.com

and below you can see what currently I have for my
"prompt=no" version of the file:
(note: I have tried SEVERAL different ways.. NONE of
them works)

Does anyone know the correct syntax when dealing with
multiple CNs in a "prompt=no" scenario?
Thank you.


First try:

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
prompt                  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C                       = US
ST                      = Los Angeles
L                       = California
O                       = ZakDen
OU                      = IT Department
CN                      = imap.zakden.com
CN                      = mail.zakden.com
CN                      = smtp.zakden.com
emailAddress            = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Second Try:

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
prompt                  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C                       = US
ST                      = Los Angeles
L                       = California
O                       = ZakDen
OU                      = IT Department
CN.1                    = imap.zakden.com
CN.2                    = mail.zakden.com
CN.3                    = smtp.zakden.com
emailAddress            = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Third Try:

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
prompt                  = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C                       = US
ST                      = Los Angeles
L                       = California
O                       = ZakDen
OU                      = IT Department
CN                      = @cnlist
emailAddress            = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ cnlist ]

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