Hi Folks,
Using Perl5.8 with ithreads, the perl module Net::SSLeay does not compile/make with some/most/all versions of openssl up to and including 0.9.6g ( also 0.9.6h ).
( it works without the ithreads ).
You can successfully compile/make this module with Perl5.8 ithreads if you use

OpenSSL 0.9.8-dev XX xxx XXXX

... its a dev version, available in the SNAPSHOT directory NOT the normal SOURCE download directory.
Apparently,  Net::SSLeay also compiles/makes with   http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.7-beta3.tar.gz 
which you can get from the source directory .(  I've not tried this one myself ).
With a huge amount of thanks to Ben.
Cheer all ....
Simon Clewer


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