Has anyone successfully installed OpenSSL on an HP-UX box?  See the error below:
ar r ../libcrypto.a cryptlib.o mem.o mem_dbg.o cversion.o ex_data.o tmdiff.o cpt_err.o ebcdic.o uid.o
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Can't find path for shared library: libfl.sl
/usr/lib/dld.sl: No such file or directory
*** Termination signal 134
*** Error exit code 1
I have an HP-UX 11 (11.11) system with gcc 3.2 installed (HP's port).  I have looked high and low for the file 'libfl.sl' and found no mention of it.  I even tried looking for an HP port of OpenSSL but only found a cut down version of it for their hp3000 series web servers.
Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated.

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