Hi, Jason (and other people interested in the secret world of

Had some experiences with M$-certificate authorities.
We provided a root cert to a M$-Certificate server, which led to some

Hey, Vadim, it may be a less than perfect idea to let M$ do the support. In
my case they took about a month to provide the needed hints and they were
provided in form of MS-API stuff.

The solution, nevertheless was easy, and mavbe it helps you:

1) It definitely needed crlDistributionPoints and authorityInfoAccess and,
most important, when creating the pkcs#12: use the -keysig option!

Hope this helps. (If you need any "whys" I could provide you with some

Best regards,

Am 2002-11-18 5:10 Uhr schrieb "Jason Haar" unter

> [Bit cheeky asking in the FreeRADIUS group :-)]
> Can anyone tell me the magic extensions I need to add to make OpenSSL make
> client/server certs that will make Microsoft Internet Access Server (RADIUS
> Server) do EAP-TLS? As usual, M$ appear to have made IAS only accept certs
> generated by M$ Certificating Authority Server, and we're using OpenSSL...
> And no - FreeRADIUS would currently not be an option anywhere else in the
> company except where I am :-)
> Thanks!

Karl-Michael Werzowa
A-1190 Wien, Paradisgasse 28/4/6
+43 (664)302 4511,  fax +43 (1)328 1992 14

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