Batoussov Artem wrote:

We are 2 students of a Technical Institute of Telecommunication and Computer
Networks in France.

We have to realize a draft which is a server of certificate X.509. It must
issue certificates to users who connect to the server. We have a probleme
with the automatic creation of certificates. We recover informations about
the user and we place them in default values for the file .cnf which is used
in the creation of certificates. But when we launch .bat file, the program
stops on fields where normally we must enter information. Do you know the
solution to resolve this problem? Our teacher told us that we can create a
file with 2 page breakes and place the file in the entrance of the command
(openssl req -config user-cert.cnf -key user.key -new -out user.csr)

but when you use -new, it's impossible! Do you know a solution?

We hope you've understood us? Also, can you tell us where we can find a good
documentation about this software and its options.

Thanks a lot for your attention!


Artem and Fabrice
OpenSSL Project
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Perhaps you should try the option '-batch' and/or config-file option 'prompt = no'

see man req

Kind regards,


Christian Pohl

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