pkcs7 = result.header.pkcs7ChainBase64
is all native to our installation and how we get the cert back from the CA
so you should have

pkcsa7 =< wherever or however you get your cert  >


02/27/03 09:25 AM
Please respond to openssl-users

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: Importing PKCS7 Certificate Into Internet Explorer

Thanks a lot, Mark,

I actually read that MSDN description of acceptPKCS7
function, which does not say what "result" is.

Do you mean that "result" is actually a reserved key
word in VBScript that refers to an HTTP response?

In other words, "result" is not the name of a hidden
HTML form?



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ----- Forwarded by Mark Shoneman/DLX Guest on
> 02/27/03 06:36 AM -----
> 02/26/03 06:07 PM
> Please respond to openssl-users
>         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         cc:
>         Subject:        Importing PKCS7 Certificate
> Into Internet Explorer
> Mr. Mark Shoneman gave a fragment of VBScript code
> to
> import a PKCS7 certificate into Internet Explorer.
> The code is pasted below.
> I am very dumb at VBScript, and have difficulty
> understanding line 5, i.e.,
> pkcs7 = result.header.pkcs7ChainBase64
> Question 1:  What object is the "result"?
> See below
> Question 2:  Does this line suggest that the PEM
> certificate is returned to the client in the HTTP
> response header?
> You bet
> Question 3:  What is pkcs7ChainBase64?
> What I call the PEM certificate returned from the CA
> The acceptPKCS7 method accepts and processes a PKCS
> #7 message containing a certificate.
> The PKCS #7 is input as a parameter. This method was
> first defined in the ICEnroll interface.
> HRESULT acceptPKCS7(
> );
> Parameters
> [in] Represents the base64-encoded PKCS #7
> containing the certificate and
> the chain of certificates identifying the issuer.
> Return Values
> The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK
> indicates success. Upon successful completion of
> this
> function, the PKCS7 will be accepted.
> Remarks
> The PKCS #7 input as a parameter for acceptPKCS7
> contains the request certificate and the chain of
> certificates
> identifying the issuer of the certificate.
> Typically, but not always, the
> chain of certificates does not include the root. The
> PKCS #7 can be in
> base64-encoded, binary, or X.509 certificate format
> (with or without the begin cert / end cert tags).
> The certificate and the associated keys generated
> for it are put in the
> MY store. A root certificate is placed in the ROOT
> store and the rest of the chain of certificates are
> placed in the certification authority (CA) store. If
> any ROOT certificates found in the PKCS #7 are
> accepted,
> Crypt32 will notify the user that a ROOT certificate
> is being added to his
> store. The user has the option of declining the ROOT
> certificate. This
> option is provided so that the user can decline to
> place an untrusted root
> in the ROOT store. Declining to place the ROOT in
> the ROOT store will not
> cause Certificate Enrollment Control to fail

> acceptance.
> By default, the system stores MY, CA, ROOT, and
> REQUEST are used to store
> the certificates. However, you can specify other
> stores by assigning the
> following properties before calling this method:
> Please kindly educate me.  Thanks a lot.
> <MrMarkShoneMan'sVBScriptCode>
> 1. Sub ImportCertificate
> 2.     Dim pkcs7
> 3.     On Error Resume Next
> 4.    'Convert the PEM cert to PKCS7 format
> 5.     pkcs7 = result.header.pkcs7ChainBase64
> 6.     If (IsEmpty(pkcs7) OR theError <> 0) Then
> 7.        ret = MsgBox("Could not convert
> certificate
> to PKCS7 format", 0, "Import Cert")
> 8.        Exit Sub
> 9.     End If
> 10.   'Import the PKCS7 object
> 11.    Enroll.DeleteRequestCert = FALSE
> 12.    Enroll.WriteCertToCSP = true
> 13.    Enroll.acceptPKCS7(pkcs7)
> 14.    if err.number <> 0 then
> 15.       Enroll.WriteCertToCSP = false
> 16.    end if
> 17.    err.clear
> 18.    Enroll.acceptPKCS7(pkcs7)
> 19.    if err.number = 0 then
> 20.       MsgBox "Certificate has been successfully
> imported.",0,"Certificate Success"
> 21.    else
> 22.       sz = "Error in acceptPKCS7. Error Number "
> &
> Hex(err.number) & "occurred."
> 23.       MsgBox sz
> 24.   end if
> 25.   Exit Sub
> 26. End Sub
> 27. ImportCertificate()
> </MrMarkShoneMan'sVBScriptCode>
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> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-pkcs7-signature

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Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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