On Wed, Dec 17, 2003, Jana Nguyen wrote:

> Hmm, the manual output below.  Neither the -password, or the -passin, and
> -passout flag works.
> 52> openssl pkcs12 -help
> Usage: pkcs12 [options]
> where options are
> -export       output PKCS12 file
> -inkey file   private key if not infile
> -certfile f   add all certs in f
> -nomacver     don't verify MAC.
> -nocerts      don't output certificates.
> -clcerts      only output client certificates.
> -cacerts      only output CA certificates.
> -nokeys       don't output private keys.
> -maciter      use MAC iteration
> -twopass      separate MAC, encryption passwords
> -password p   set import/export password source
> -passin p     input file pass phrase source
> -passout p    output file pass phrase source

That's the usage message not the manual page. The manual pages are in doc/apps
in the OpenSSL distribution or online. See:


These are saying that you don't just give the passphrase as an argument you
need pass:XXXX where XXXX is the passphrase or various other options described

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
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