If possible, put a system capable of logging all traffic in a position to record everything going to that system (and everything coming out if that's not too much data). A hub (not a switch), or a switch that be configured to echo all traffic out to a specific port will do. The recording system doesn't need a public IP address - unless you want to be able to get in from remote. Either way shut off every service on that system with the possible exception of ssh - and maybe move the port on that for good measure.
tcpdump should be able to record the information you'll need. Use -s65535 to be sure you capture all the payload data and -w to write out to a file in a format that can later be parsed by tcpdump, ethereal or some other tool.
If it happens again you can dig through the logs and find out what was sent, then you can probably take that to the apache list, and they'll either tell you what's likely wrong, or they'll go into a frenzy because there's a previously undiscovered exploit in use on the current version :)
In the mean time, triple check the directory permissions in the apache configuration. Make sure they're not able to just plain execute wget and/or a shell without crashing anything at all :)


Fred Merritt wrote:
Michael, Andrew, Fred, and Mark,
                                                      first of all,
thank you for your rapid response to my append to this list.  All your
comments were constructive, and helpful.

Do I have any reason to think that this is an OpenSSL bug?
No - I have my doubts.  If this was an  OpenSSL bug in the wild, I am
sure that this list would be full of  appends about it.  What makes me
think it might be, is

  1.  The quoted(might be false trail) modus operandi of the hackers -
     use an openssl scanner, get in and then do a root exploit . . .
  2. The first attack followed this MO impeccably, but I only have
     myself to blame for not being up to date.  The first attack
     downloaded files - like telnet, and some backdoors to /tmp.  All
     files were nobody nogroup.  A root exploit was downloaded, and my
     machine was theirs.
  3. The system was rebuilt, except for the Apache sub-system, and was
     not attacked .  No data files from the original incarnation of the
     system were installed on the machine. All code restored was from
     the development site, and could not possibly have been corrupted.
     The system was online for 3 days without Apache/OpenSSL.  Apache
     without OpenSSL was up and down several times.  Nothing was
     attacked.  Within two hours of  the Apache/OpenSSL service being
     restored, the system was attacked in the manner described in the
     original append.
  4. In the second attack, the kernel was protected from the root
     exploit to which it was vulnerable in the first attack.  In this
     attack, files were also downloaded to /tmp, but the crackers were
     unable to gain root access(I think!!), at least I have no evidence
     of this.  All the files down loaded were once again user/group
     nobody/nogroup.  there were some traces of the attacker trying to
     damage files, but getting rejected due to not having the
     appropriate permissions.
  5. The attackers in their publicity on their own site do not (apart
     from their claims of omnipotency) claim to be capable of attacking
     0.9.7c  it may be that their particular scanner was capable of
     attacking 9.7c, be they themselves were not aware of it (if (it
     was && if they were) { I'm sure there would have been a lot of noise})
  6. Information in the main server log is written by Apache, or one of
     it's children(assumption).  Yes it looks like a wget, but I think
     the wget was issued by the exploited  Apache system to download
     the root backdoor.

When we cleaned up the system, we bought a new disk.  All the new stuff
went on the new disk from external sources.  To be honest the old disk
was still in the machine, but not mounted.  Of course I may have
problems elsewhere, but I haven't found evidence, and I'm still looking
pretty hard.  No unnecessary services are running, and those that are
running show no sign of attack.  My business partners are pushing pretty
hard to put the system back online, and at some point, we have to put a
toe in the water.

We had CGI scripts in the system, but only one or two for specialised
parts of the system..  The were in situ for the first attack, but hadn't
been rebuilt when the second attack took place.  The CGI directory is
still empty, except for the demo/test stuff originally put there by Apache.

What do I think might have happened??

   * I might have fubar'd  the rebuild of the supposedly "immune"
     system, and left an unprotected system.
   * 0.9.7c may have a vulnerability not yet recognised by the
     attackers(as proclaimed by their silence).
   * Something completely different happened.

There is no evidence at all in the logs.  The main server error log is
precise on the time of the attack, but there is nothing in the access,
or  engine logs that are near to the date and time of the failure.

For the moment, I'm just checking, and rechecking, but unless I can
think of something else, I guess I have to bring it up some time this
afternoon, for a short while, and watch it like a hawk.

Once again, thanks for your help. . . Fred

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