Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe in that case you'd receive a separate error, SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN.  I have, for example, experienced conditions where the end of data transmission occurred precisely on my reading buffer size.  So the next SSL_raed() that I attempt results in zero data and thus SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN.  Is that similar to the scenario you have in mind?

-- kov

From my reading of the SSL_read man page, if I call SSL_read and there is no data, I will
receive a WANT_READ error (or possibly a WANT_WRITE) if the underlying media can't
fulfill the request.

It is also my understanding that should I get a "WANT" result, the only thing I can do
is to retry the call when it can be fulfilled. However, if "no data" is a valid condition,
and I receive a WANT result, then does that mean I can't call SSL_WRITE to send a message?

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