I am trying to solve a problem for which the "SSL On-Disk Session Caching"
seems to be an appropriate solution. I need confirmation and pointers to
HOW-TO on this subject.

I have a CLI application that connects over SSL to a gSOAP server. I'm
currently experiencing around 7 seconds for the session (or communication)
or be established. I can affort this latency for one-time, call it a
"login" phase. I need to find a way to lower this to zero or 1 second
for subsequent usage.

The end result should be something like cvs login; cvs logout, that is

cli login
cli cmd
cli cmd
cli logout    // or some time expires

O'Reilly OpenSSL, "Advanced Programming with SSL" chapter talks about
"An On-Disk, session caching framework". This seems like an appropriate
solution. But first I wanted to check...

So I ask you gurus. Is this the way ....

Also I'd appreciate some help from people with gSOAP experience
to dig into the 7 seconds latency. It has been posted to gSOAP group
but with no avail.


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The O'Reilly book does not give any code on how to implement session caching. It just points to some stub functions.
So here is some code:

you will need to setup your CTX's with theses callback like the O'Reilly book talks about.

int new_session_cb(SSL *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session)
        char *local, *lname, *lpath;
        unsigned char *sess_id, c[2];
        char *cachepass = NULL;         /* Session encryption passwd */
        int i;
        BIO *bio;
        const EVP_CIPHER *enc;

/* convert SESSION_ID to human readable hex string */
sess_id = malloc(session->session_id_length + 1);
for(i=0; i < session->session_id_length; i++)
sprintf(c,"%x", session->session_id[i]);
sess_id[i] = c[0]; }
sess_id[session->session_id_length] = '\0';

#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "SESSION_ID is: %s", sess_id);
        /* sets up a location to write session cache files. */
        lpath = strdup("/opt/app/sessions/");
        local = malloc(strlen(lpath) + strlen(sess_id) + 1);
        sprintf(local, "%s%s", lpath, sess_id);

        lname = malloc(strlen(lpath)+strlen(local)+3);
        sprintf(lname, "%s.l%s", lpath, sess_id);

        bio = BIO_new_file(local, "w");
        /* create the lock file */
        if(link(local, lname) == -1)
                int_error("Error: Creating session lock file!");
        enc = EVP_des_ede3_cbc();
        /* gets p12 password from shared memory */

       /* passphrase to encrypt the session keys with. */
        cachepass = strdup( "password" );
        PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)())i2d_SSL_SESSION, PEM_STRING_SSL_SESSION, \
                                bio,(char *)session, enc, NULL, 0, NULL, cachepass);
        if( cachepass != NULL);



return 1;

void remove_session_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session)
        char *local, *lpath, *lname;
        unsigned char *sess_id, c[2];
        int i;

/* convert SESSION_ID to human readable hex string */
sess_id = malloc(session->session_id_length + 1);
for(i=0; i < session->session_id_length; i++)
sprintf(c,"%x", session->session_id[i]);
sess_id[i] = c[0]; }
sess_id[session->session_id_length] = '\0';

        /* sets up a location to delete session cache file from. */
        lpath = strdup("/opt/app/sessions/");
        local = malloc(strlen(lpath) + strlen(sess_id) + 1);
        sprintf(local, "%s%s", lpath, sess_id);

        lname = malloc(strlen(lpath)+strlen(local)+3);
        sprintf(lname, "%s.l%s", lpath, sess_id);

        if(access(lname, F_OK) == 0)
        if(access(local, F_OK) == 0)


SSL_SESSION *get_session_cb(SSL *ctx, unsigned char *id, int len, int *ref)
        char *local, *lname, *lpath;
        unsigned char *sess_id, c[2];
        char *cachepass = NULL; /* session password from shared memory */
        int i, j;
        BIO *bio;
        const EVP_CIPHER *enc;
        SSL_SESSION *sess;

/* convert SESSION_ID to human readable hex string */
sess_id = malloc(len + 1);
for(i=0; i < len; i++)
sprintf(c,"%x", id[i]);
sess_id[i] = c[0]; }
sess_id[len] = '\0';

#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf( stderr, "SESSION_ID is: %s", sessid );
        /* sets up a location to read session cache file from. */
        lpath = strdup("/opt/app/sessions/");
        local = malloc(strlen(lpath) + strlen(sess_id) + 1);
        sprintf(local, "%s%s", lpath, sess_id);

        lname = malloc(strlen(lpath)+strlen(local)+3);
        sprintf(lname, "%s.l%s", lpath, sess_id);

        /* checks for lock file and waits if there is one. */
        for(j=0; (access(lname, F_OK) == 0) || (j > 10); j++)
                /* sleep for 10th of a second */
        /* create the lock file */
        if(link(local, lname) == -1)
                int_error("Error: Createing session lock file!");
        enc = EVP_des_ede3_cbc();
        bio = BIO_new_file(local, "r");

/* this password will need to be the same as the passphrase * used to write the session to disk */
cachepass = strdup( "password" );
sess = PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION(bio, NULL, NULL, cachepass);
if(cachepass != NULL)



        /* not sure if this is *ref = 0 or ref = 0 */
        ref = 0;

return sess;

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