On Tue, Jun 29, 2004, Pierre Sengès wrote:

> Hello
> I'm newbie to openSSL. I'm trying to create a pkcs12 file with Win32 OpenSSL 0.97d.
> I've generated a CSR with keytool. I got my cert file generated by a CA and a 
> private key file (generated by keytool).
> The following command :
> OpenSSL> pkcs12 -export -inkey domain.key -in domain.crt -out domain.pkcs12
> make the following error : 
> Loading 'screen' into random state - done
> unable to load private key
> error in pkcs12
> Most posts i've read about this error talk about 0.96 bug. But i'm in 0.97 ...
> I've not found in openssl.cnf definition of private key location ... but i think it 
> must be in same directory that crt file ? ( {openssl-install-dir}/bin exactly ...)
> Can it come from a bad private key format ?

Yes its probably that the file domain.key isn't in the expected (PEM) format.
If that is the case you should convert it first. I believe keytool may use
PKCS#8 format in binary (DER) format in which case:

openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypto -in domain.key -out key.pem

should work.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
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