--- Lars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 
> El hallabi-Kettani Abderrahmane schrieb:
> > try this :
> > openssl smime -sign -in ml.txt -signer mycert.pem
> > -text 
> >     | openssl smime -encrypt -outform der -out       
> >         mail.der -aes256 mycert.pem
> > 
> I'm afraid this doesn't work either. The first
> command expects a private 
> key (-inkey) and it provides SMIME code as well.
> There is another way to attach a signature to data,
> using the 
> SignedAndEnveloped content type.
> Maybe the smime isn't the correct command either. I
> have some Java code 
> that returns what I want. My first tests using the
> openssl smime -in text.txt -sign -signer cert.pem
> -inkey prv.pem 
> -outform DER > test.test
> command returned almost what I want, it returns the
> signature but 
> without the data.
> Do you have any idea how to get the data as
> SignedAndEnveloped 
> content-type?

we use smime to have a PKCS7 format wich have a
different types like Signed and envelopped data .

the definition of a signature is to take the cleartext
and calculate his hash "digest", and sign this
digest after, then you send the cleartext+signed


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