I think there is a reason why you cant encrypt a message without 1st signing it using smime

By your logic, any preshared "key" would do the trick , why bother with the cert ?
(in other words, hiscert or mycert, if all you are doing is using it as a key to some encoder, why bother with certs)??

El hallabi-Kettani Abderrahmane wrote:

--- Alok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

But when you sing with your public key, and encrypt
with your public key,
how will he decrypt it if he does not have your
private key?

you sign with the private key existed in mycert.pem or
in a separate file priv_key.pem , after you use this private key, to decrypt first the session key used in
the aes256 algorithm , then you can decrypt the data
with this session key.


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