On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 14:19, Jon Bendtsen wrote:
> Den 11. okt 2004, kl. 13:54, skrev Jörn Hartmann:
> > Maybe I'm wrong, but I think think it's hardly possible to strip 
> > openssl down to less than 32K and keep full SSL functionality. You 
> > might have more luck in writing your own SSL implementation. That will 
> > be tough enough assuming you got only a fraction of the 32K left for 
> > the encryption part.
> i know, and i might consider making a broken SSL implementation, such 
> that only some clients can connect, and stuff like that. Further more
> i do not need to generate a certificate inside the device. I was
> thinking of keeping:
>       one of AES/blowfish/3DES        (depending on what browsers support).
>       RSA
>       certificate checking
>       CRL checking

        Even with some heavy chainsaw work on OpenSSL, I don't think you'll
manage getting down to 32KB. I saw some numbers on the list in the past
of people targetting embedded platforms, but they were of several 100KB.
I suspect a lot of people would be interested in a version of OpenSSL
supporting the subset and sizes you are talking about. Unfortunately
this means a lot more work than not compiling some unnecessary fetures.

        If you don't mind working with GPL code, you should look at
http://www.matrixssl.org/ because they are down to the order of magitude
you are talking about (http://www.matrixssl.org/docs.html). If GPL is an
issue for your work, you can buy a licence from them. Or from other
proprietary editors: Mocana (http://www.mocana.com/ssl.html), Spyrus
(http://www.spyrus.com/content/products/DeviceSSL_N7.asp), etc...

Mathias Brossard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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