On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 02:34 am, Elie Lalo wrote:
> I know that OpenSSL has the following HMAC(EVP_sha1 (), ....) which
> supports 160 bits. But does OpenSSL support HMAC-128 as well? If yes, could
> you please tell me where/how I can get information about it.
You should be able to use whatever MAC algorithm is required. I don't know 
what MAC "HMAC-128" is though, because your question doesn't have enough 
context. Perhaps MD5, less likely RIPEMD. So you would just use EVP_md5() 
instead of EVP_sha1() in the init call:
MAC_Init_ex( &c, key_data, key_size, EVP_md5(), 0 );



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