I am not sure if Apache does that. Local CRLs are
handled differently since they are fed into OpenSSL
x509_verify_cert function.  Fetching and downloading
CRL from CDPs for every transaction is too costly for
most applications. 

CDP extension may, at the option of the CA, be either
critical or non-critical. However, the Internet
Certificate and CRL profile (RFC 2459) 
recommends that this extension be marked non-critical,
meaning implementation can choose to ignore this

For every client certificate, if we download CRLs from
the CDPs indicated in the certificate, it may be a lot
of overhead in terms of delay and processing.  
Some CRLs are very long (can go up to a few Mbytes of
data), making downloading CRL per SSL connection

If you find contrary evidence, please share it...


--- Steve Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am wanting to get CRL Distribution Points working
> within my client certs.
> Using Apache I am able to get certificate revocation
> working using the SSLCARevocationFile directive
> (using a local file).
> Using a http://www.webserver.com/crlfile.crl within
> the cert (CRL Distribution Point) it doesn't work. 
> I have put the crl on a remote web server.  Watching
> the logs on the remote server I do not see the crl
> being accessed.
> Any troubleshooting tips?
> Does the browser go out and access the crl? or does
> the server?
> Thanks for any help.
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