
you seem to be a bit confused about PKI matters, and among others
what's considered private and what's considered public.

Let me start with the private vs. public part:  private keys are
designed to be kept private by the owner.  Certificates (which contain
the public key) are designed to be public and to be given out to
anyone who needs it or is interested.

Also, a small detail: CA certificates aren't used to sign with, the
private keys are.  You use CA certificates to validate a signature in
any certificate issued by that CA (this puts it simply, since there
are other data that are checked between certificates, but the
signature check is still the most important thing).

Now, the way things work with a X.509/PKIX flavor of PKI, you validate
a certificate (any kind of certificate, be it a user certificate, a
server certificate or whatever kind of certificate we're able to
invent) by checking it against an issuing cerificate (a CA
certificate), among others by checking that the signature in the
current certificate can be verified using the public key in the
issuing certificate.  This is done all the way to the top (the root

To be able to do a proper certificate validation, you therefore need
all the certificates in the chain, from the certificate you want to
validate to the root certificate that starts (or ends, depending on
your point of view) the chain.  This holds true for anyone who needs
to validate your server certificate as well as any certificate your
server needs to validate.

So, to directly answer your questions:

rees> What I'm trying to ask, if I can get it right this time, is
rees> whether a root CA will be passing its own self-signed
rees> certificate out.

Yes, in one form or another.

rees> I think I've figured it out, by the way. In the case of the web
rees> server, the self-signed certificate is not intended for
rees> certifying the web site, but for certifying the certificate(s)
rees> of (a) web site(s), which is why two are necessary.

That's correct.  Those aren't two CA certificates, though.  The root
certificate is the CA certificate, while the server certificate is a
EE (End Entity) certificate.  You confused the matter for yourself
earlier by talking about "two CA certificates".

rees> But in the case of a CA, the certificate is for signing
rees> certificates for other CAs and won't be given out otherwise. But
rees> it would be given out with the signed certificates for the
rees> subordinate CAs.

This is confusing.  Either you're publishing a certificate or you
aren't.  It doesn't matter if it's bundled with subordinate
certificates or not.  And either way, if you want others to be able to
validate a certificate issued by the subordinate CAs, you need to
publish the root CA certificate as well.

rees> But if the root CA machine is also signing server certificates
rees> (which it should not, but that's another story), it should have
rees> a separate certificate for signing certificates for servers.
rees> Should also have a separate piece of the directory tree to do it
rees> in.

You are confusing the matter.  It seems like you're saying the CA
should split in two, one that signs subordinate CAs and one that signs
your server certificate.  Now, the question is, when you split that CA
in two, are you actually creating an entirely different CA that uses
the same key, or are you in fact creating another subordinate CA
(using the same key?)?

You might want to draw a tree that shows how the root CA, subordinate
CAs and other entities are related to each other.  A picture does say
more than a thousand words, and I've already spent a few hundred of
them :-).


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