I have the following in the coniguration file:

    [ req ]
    prompt = no
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    C = JP
    ST = Hyogo
    CN = example
    emailAddress = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and I try this on the command line:

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out herbie9_request.pem -subj 
"/CN=herbie9/[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -keyout herbie9.key -config 
d:\data\weiss_ca\bin\weiss_user_openssl.cfg -batch 

The result is that common name gets set to "example" and emailAddress to
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of the values I'm trying to pass through the
-subj option on the command line.

I tried commenting out the CN and emailAddress lines in the
configuration file, but now verifying gives me the following:

    The commonName field needed to be supplied and was missing

For now, I suppose I can resort to building a template file on the fly.
I don't much care to build template files with MS-DOS batch files, but
this should be fairly straightforward. (Boss does not want to install
perl on MSWxx.)

Is there some way to make the -subj on the command line override the
contents of the configuration file?

digitcom, inc.   株式会社デジコム
Kobe, Japan   +81-78-672-8800
** <http://www.ddcom.co.jp> **

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User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
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