maybe see if grabbing the openssl dlls from another win32 app stops it crashing ...
also try setting your ftp app to use the vc multithread dll crt (as apposed to single threaded or static linked lib)

Louis Solomon

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sitaram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Application crashes when SSL is used - more info


We customized the FTPServer written by thirt party. This FTPServer is used to to transfer the files from Scanner to the host PC. FTPClient is installed in Scanner.

We recently added the SSL support to the FTPServer program using the OpenSSL library. The FTPServer implemented using VC7.

The library is built the using SSL Library 0.9.7g. Perl for Win32 and NASM are used to build.

The options "no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5" are set while doing the build.

When I am trying to transfer a file from an FTPClient, my application crashes after the file is transferred. It displays the following message "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" dialog pops up and says "Buffer overrun detected!"

When I have debugged for the following error, I found the call stack pointing to libeay32.dll I have taken a snap of the screen at that time. I am attaching please look into it.

I have enabled Buffer Security Check option while compiling my program. Then It started working in Windows2000 workstation. But When I tried transferring files in Win98, the application crashes. It gives an error like "Exception in 03h module Kernel32.dll".

This exception happend only if I try to transfer files that are larger than 1Mb in size

Please help to resolve this problem.

When I am trying to transfer a file in unencrypted form, the application works smoothly. But when I transfer the file in encrypted mode, where SSL_read is used to get the encrypted data, the application crashes. I have run Bounds Checker to make sure that my code does not give any error.

Thanks & Regards,


Sharp Software Development India,
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