Hi guys!
I have some doubts in SSL functions, specially in  SSL_read function.
I'm trying to write an HTTPS generic client (POST and GET methods must be availables), I've written the code for connection via win sockets (blocking socket) and used the next code for the SSL handshake:
if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new (meth)) == NULL )
   // Error

if ((ssl = SSL_new (ctx)) == NULL)
if ((SSL_set_fd (ssl, s)) != 1)
if ((SSL_connect(ssl)) !=1 )
/* Until here there's no problem */
The misunderstood becomes when I compose a GET request and try to recover the server's answer with SSL_read:
char read [1024];
char head[1024];
sprintf(head,"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 \t\n\t");
res = SSL_write (ssl, head, strlen(head)); // OK
// try to recover the index.html resource
memset(read, 0, sizeof(read));
res = SSL_read (ssl, &(read[0]), sizeof(read)-1);
//The last line only recover the 'H' from the HTTP/1.0 header spec; this means only read 1 byte, the docs say SSL_read attempt to read sizeof(read)-1 bytes and put them in &(read[0]... so I don't understand why I'm only getting one byte.
If I put it on bucle then I get the complete response
 for (i=0; i<=70; i++)
  res = SSL_read (ssl, &(read[0]), sizeof(read)-1); //res =0
  res = SSL_get_error(ssl, res);
  fprintf (stderr,"%s \n", res);
  memset(read, 0, sizeof(read));
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Lenght: 2428
MVC/C++ 6.0 compiler
OpenSSL 0.9.7f
Any Suggestions or pointing will be appreciated
Best regards

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