OK, I have sorted this out ! Thanks for those who have taken the time
to look at my problem. The issue in the end was that vi was putting a
"\n" at the end of my content file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbs]$ cat test_content.txt
sign test
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbs]$ hexdump -c test_content.txt
0000000   s   i   g   n       t   e   s   t  \n

So if I made sure that the content that was signed also had a "\n"
character it verified fine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sbs]$ openssl smime -verify -inform PEM -in
/tmp/sig151839 -CAfile development_cm.pem -content test_content.txt
sign test
Verification successful

Many thanks

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  • Re: Using OpenSSL to verify a FireFox signed form Chris Covell

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