I use Msys/Mingw to build the dlls using openssl-0.9.8.  However I have had to
remove line 910 [$IsMK1MF=1 if ($target eq "mingw" && ^O ne
"cygwin");] (as suggested in a different thread by Doug Kaufman) from
the Configure script.

At the moment I am having trouble getting the .dlls to work but the
problem is more then
likely caused by the application I am using and not on how the dlls
were created.

Here are the steps I am doing:

Under Msys:

Explode the tarball using xhf option inside of the openssl-0.9.8 directory:

perl util/mkdef.pl 32 libeay > ms/libeay32.def
perl util/mkdef.pl 32 ssleay > ms/ssleay32.def

 ./Configure mingw

Then I have to copy several *.h and * .c files into include/openssl
and test directories respectively due to the inabilty of msys and/or
mingw to support links.  These commands will copy the files (and
probably some that dont need to be copied).  If I have missed any you
will notice the missing files when you try and compile.

cp ./crypto/*/*.h ./include/openssl
cp ./crypto/*.h ./include/openssl
cp *.h ./include/openssl
cp ./ssl/*.h ./include/openssl
cp ./crypto/*/*.c ./test
cp ./ssl/*.c ./test


Then once make completes I execute: (commands below are all on one line).

dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib libeay32.a --def
ms/libeay32.def libcrypto.a -lwsock32 -lgdi32

dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib libssl32.a --def
ms/ssleay32.def libssl.a libeay32.a

On 7/12/05, Carsten Krüger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> how do I get libeay32.dll and libssl32.dll?
> I've tried:
> $ ./Configure mingw enable-rc5 enable-mdc2 shared
> [...]
> $ make depend
> [...]
> $ make
> [...]
> $ make test
> $ make install
> Build works and I get cryptoeay32-0.9.8.dll and ssleay32-0.9.8.dll.
> I think
> cryptoeay32-0.9.8.dll is libeay32.dll
> ssleay32-0.9.8.dll is libssl32.dll
> Renaming didn't work because the name are compiled in.
> greetings
> Carsten
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