  Would any guru please take a look at this following
question? Thanks! 
Dr. Lincoln 

X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID() adds a ASN1_NAME_ENTRY
which contains a pointer to ASN1_OBJECT, among other

Does any expert know why the ASN1_OBJECT referenced in
ASN1_NAME_ENTRY has NULL for  sn, ln, nid? 

 The calling sequence is 
=> lookup ASN1_OBJECT, X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ 
=> X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object +

Where X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object calls 
ne->object = OBJ_dup(obj). 

I see ASN1_OBJECT being duplicated above.

Looking at the ASN1_dup() does not reveal those NULL

I'd appreciate your help if you can enlighten me on
this myth...

Test code is shown below

int main(){
        char buf[1024], *field, *value; 
        X509_NAME *name = NULL; 
        int i, n, j;  
        X509_NAME_ENTRY *ne = NULL; 
        ASN1_OBJECT *obj = NULL;
        ASN1_STRING *astr = NULL; 
       /* it prints 
        * sn=O; ln=organizationName; nid=17 ;legth=3;
        * 55,04,0a ==> which is ASN1 encoding of for
        obj = OBJ_txt2obj("O", 0); 
        printf("sn=%s; ln=%s; nid=%d ;legth=%d; flags=%d\n",
obj->sn, obj->ln, obj->nid, obj->length, obj->flags); 

        for (j=0; j<obj->length; j++){
                printf("%02x,", obj->data[j]); 

        name = X509_NAME_new(); 
        field = "O"; 
        value = "VeriSign Japan K.K."; 

        if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(name, 17,
MBSTRING_ASC, value, -1, -1, 0)){
                printf("adding entry %s error\n", field); 

         * I would expect the ASN1_OBJECT prints out
the same stuff
         * However, it prints 
         * entry#0:
         * sn=(null); ln=(null); nid=0 ;legth=3; obj_data=U;
         * 55,04,0a,  ==> which is ASN1 encoding of
for "O"

        n = sk_X509_NAME_ENTRY_num(name->entries); 
        for (i=0; i<n; i++){
                printf("entry#%d:\n", i); 
                ne = sk_X509_NAME_ENTRY_value(name->entries, i); 
                obj = ne->object;
                printf("sn=%s; ln=%s; nid=%d ;legth=%d; obj_data=%s;
flags=%d\n", obj->sn, obj->ln, obj->nid, obj->length,
obj->data, obj->flags); 

                for (j=0; j<obj->length; j++){
                        printf("%02x,", obj->data[j]); 

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