   Does anyone know why X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt can
not add Email entry? 
It works fine with openssl 0.9.6x, but when I link it
with 0.9.7d, it failed. 

  I understand official PKI does not recommend Email
in subject, but I thought Openssl can handle that. 

I'd appreciate it if you can shed light on this issue.

Dr. Lincoln

-- test code ---
 * output is 
 * Subject contains invalid field/value: 
 *                  Email/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <stdio.h>          
#include <stdlib.h>         

int main(){
        X509_NAME *name = X509_NAME_new(); 
        char *field = "Email";
        char *value = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; 

        if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, field,
V_ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING, (unsigned char *)value, -1,
-1, 0)){
                printf("Subject contains invalid field/value:
%s/%s\n", field, value); 
                return 0; 
        return 0; 

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