
I'm putting together a short step-by-step guide to using SSL with
qmail and sslserver.  sslserver requires a "dhparam" file generated by
"openssl dhparam -out dhparam 1024"; I know how to generate it, but
not exactly what it does.  I'd like to include a brief explanation,
and I was hoping somebody could tell me:

  * What types of parameters does the dhparam file contain?  For
    example is it a key, or a seed, or a configuration a la
    openssl.conf?  Does it need to be kept secret?

  * Is it necessary to generate a unique dhparam for each server, or
    can they safely be shared?  For example, since it takes a long
    time to generate one, could I generate one and post it on my Web
    site for users to download, or would that compromise/reduce their

Thanks for any help!

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