I'm reading in a request, I can read various bits and bobs out of it,
including a key which then verifies the request. That's all fine.

When I read the requests subject, I get a non-null pointer. Which
crashes any of the X509 name functions I pass it to..

  // normal openssl startup

  FILE *fp = fopen("cl.req","r");
  if (!fp) return 0;
  X509_REQ *req = PEM_read_X509_REQ (fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  fclose (fp);

  // this is all fine

  if (!req) { cout << "Can't read req"<<endl;  exit(2); }
  X509_NAME *sname = X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req);
  if (!sname) { cout << "Can't read subject name"<<endl;  exit(2); }
  cout << "subjectname:" << endl;


  // segmentation fault inside this.

The request file is fine, and "openssl req -text" prints it out
perfectly legibly and "openssl ca" can sign it into a working

However trying to parse or print the subject or set it into a
certificate structure causes a segv. Even a call to
"X509_NAME_entry_count" causes a segv.

I can't see any real differences between what I'm doing and what
apps/ca.c or apps/req.c do or with what the example on signing
certificates in NSwO does.

Is there something else I need to do to the X509 name system on
startup to prepare it for working or something? (Which would seem odd,
because I can read OTHER fields)

The request prints out as

Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: C=UK, O=KLL HttpClient, CN=HttpClient
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (512 bit)
                Modulus (512 bit):

Which looks simple enough.

Cheers for any help.

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