>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Schwartz
>Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 12:05 PM
>To: openssl-users@openssl.org
>Subject: RE: Chicken and egg issue
>> On 12/31/05, David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Then I'll just reiterate to anyone reading this that
>> > the advice you are
>> > getting is specific to some special circumstance that we cannot even
>> > evaluate. We only have your word that it even applies to your
>> > situation, and
>> > it certainly doesn't apply to any typical situation.
>> I asked a specific question, and received the correct answer to that
>> question.  I did not ask for any assistance in evaluating this
>> circumstance for the correctness of the application of the answer I
>> received to the particular problem I'm dealing with, nor did I ask for
>> any assistance in evaluating this situation at all.  I appreciate the
>> fact that you're offering your expertise, but I do not need (nor want)
>> it at this time.  There is no need to be snide or sarcastic when your
>> expertise is unwanted at the instant moment; if I make a mistake in
>> evaluation of the threat model and its needs, then I may or may not
>> ask for it in the future.
>       You cannot avoid the fact that when you ask a question
>in a public mailing
>list, and get an answer, other people who may or may not have
>the exact same
>question will see the answer.

And, those other people may be interested in the "evaluation
information" that you are not.

I think it is very rude to ask a question in
a public forum, then start browbeating the respondent for providing
ancillary information that you think is unnecessary.  And that is
what the OP was doing here to David, no matter how nicely and
sugarcoated the response was.

If you must demand that the responders to your question refrain
from commenting on the stupidity or smartness of the application
of those answers, then get the hell out of here and go hire some
$100/hour consultant that you can browbeat with your politics.
When your paying for the answers, you can tell the person providing them
exactly how you want them.

>> Thank you, Mr. Schwartz, for your implied offer of help; however, at
>> this time, I must decline.

That was a snotty response and completely unneeded.  If you didn't
like part of his answer, then take the part that you did like and
can use, and use it, and IGNORE the part you don't care for.  You
didn't pay a cent for the help here, you do not have the right to
decide how that help is packaged.

>       I am not trying to help you. I am trying to prevent you
>from harming others

David, I find the additional "assistance for evaulating the circumstances
for the correctness of the application" far more interesting and
than the answer the OP wanted.  Thanks!


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