> This is a naive question and excuse my ignorance if it has been asked

        It's actually a pretty good question.

> Assuming I have a client and server communication with SSL and only
> server certificate verification is used:  How exactly the root certificat
> gets installed onto client machines?  with microsoft internet explore
> there seems to be many trusted root certificate in the browser.  are
> these already built in when the browser is installed, or are they
> somehow downloaded to the browser say at a later time?

        Usually both. The browser comes with a list of trusted root certificate
pre-installed. Browser or operating system updates may include new trusted
root certificates or might remove old ones. Users can also install them

> Another question arises: if they are downloaded to the browser at a later
> how is man in the middle attack prevented?  how can I trust the root
> I downloaded is really from the CA and not swapped by someone in the

        There are various ways. The most common is to use a root certificate 
already trusted. For example, if some large company creates their own CA and
root certificate, they could post that root certificate on a web site that
was using SSL and a Verisign certificate. The Verisign certificate would
simply confirm that I was connecting to the company's web server and I would
trust their server to give me the key.

        Another way is to sign the key itself. Yet another way is to include a
signed 'installer' that installs the new root key.


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