Hallo Alberto,
Alberto Alonso schrieb:
> I personally don't know why pipes are even in use in the openssl
> internals (though I bet there is a good reason for it :-)

OpenSSL doesn't use pipes.
You get a SIGPIPE if you write to a socket for that
the other end is closed.

I prefer using send() with MSG_NOSIGNAL,
but that is not supported on every platform OpenSSL runs on...

> Ignoring SIGPIPE (or most signals for that matter) is not really
> that good. They get generated for good reasons.
> In my case, depending on what came down the wire, I have to interact
> with other utilities in the system, therefore opening pipes. I need
> to make sure I get the signals when a system tool exits unexpectedly.

SIGPIPE is something you normally can ignore:

if the write fails, you get an error return value
and can check errno for EPIPE.

This has the advantage you handle the closed connection
on the function that fails and not in an global signal handler...



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