Unfortunately, ssldump isn't easily available on win32 (okay, i gave it all of 30 seconds but ./configure failed so I wasn't about to debug why).

It's just that I would expect SSL_CIPHER_description( SSL_get_current_cipher(..)..) to return TLS if it was a TLS connection.

Is there some other function I can call to determine if the connection is TLS or SSL(v2|v3)?


I'm not losing sleep over it, I've accepted the fact that my server needs to use methodv23() to be flexible. Just curious it that will ever negotiate a TLS connection.

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"You can't be a real country unless you have a BEER and an airline. It
helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a BEER."
--Frank Zappa __|__
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]@--(_)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@--

Richard Koenning wrote:
Lee Dilkie wrote:
Perhaps I'm getting confused with what's reported.

I just noticed that SSLv3 gets reported even when I specify TLS methods on the client and server. ie.

"cipher spec=AES256-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1"

Is this "really" SSLv3 or is it TLS?

Afaik the supported cipher suites are the same for SSLv3 and TLS, so OpenSSL probably prints SSLv3 in any case. When you want to know the used protocol version, use e.g. ssldump.
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