Are you making sure to link properly with the multithreaded libraries?
 (I think that was the default starting with 2003, but I
can't recall.)

Incidentally, you can download a free ISO of VC++ 2005 Express Edition
from Microsoft.  The IDE doesn't support resource editing, but I'm
having no problems with it so far.

The debug libraries should have been put in out32dll.dbg\, as I recall
-- you may need to edit the settings for your debug versus release
builds to import from the correct version.  I don't have 2003, so I
can't test.

-Kyle H

On 2/20/06, Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I deleted all ssl-related DLLs on my system now.
> When I compile OpenSSL as described in INSTALL.W32, point the include
> library directory of my example program on "openssl\out32dll", recompile
> my example program, copy the 2 DLLs from "openssl\out32dll" to my
> example project directory...
> ...then my example program will succeed when I run it in Release Mode
> but will crash when I run it in Debug Mode.
> When I compile OpenSSL as described in INSTALLW32 with that tweak (*),
> point the library include directory on "openssl\out32dll.dbg", recompile
> my example program, copy the 2 DLLs from openssl\out32.dbg" to my
> example project directory...
> ...then my example program will crash when I run it in Release Mode
> but will succeed when I run it in Debug Mode (so just vice versa).
> (*) tweak in file "ms\do_masm.bat":
> perl util\ debug VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
> perl util\ debug dll VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak
> Surprisingly the DLLs have exactly the same size, no matter whether
> compiled with that tweak or not. They are binary different though.
> libeay32.dll: 1.220.608 Bytes
> ssleay32.dll:   249.856 Bytes
> Despite many "*.pdb" files in the "openssl\out32dll.dbg" directory
> I am unfortunately not able to produce a "more nice" call stack :(
> So, result is that I have to use the LIBs and DLLs from "out32dll"
> when compiling and running in Release mode and the LIBs and DLLs
> from "out32dll.dbg" when compiling and running in Debug Mode.
> In any other mixture it simply crashes. But at least it doesn't
> just halt/loop anymore.
> Is it intended and/or expected like that?
> Kyle Hamilton wrote:
>  > Are you compiling inside an IDE?  What C++ compiler are you using, and
>  > what debugger?
> I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003 v7.0.3088 - no other compiler or
> debugger is on my computer.
> "nmake" spits out the following version information:
> C:\myProjects\openssl>nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> Matthias
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