prakash babu wrote:
Hello All,
I am working with OpenSSL 0.9.7i on HPUX.

If you are on Itanium, probably better to go to 0.9.8a or above, there are some performance improvements there.

I have a configure script which performs the following operations

1. Starts the prngd rc script
/   # /sbin/init.d/prngd.rc start

2. Creates self signed certificate
/ # /opt/openssl/bin/openssl req -new -x509 -out /opt/openssl/certs/host.pem -keyout /opt/openssl/private/hostkey.pem -nodes -subj ///C=US/ST=CA/L=City/O=Company/CN=localhost/[EMAIL PROTECTED]// >/tmp/hostcert.out 2>&1

This script executes during system reboot.
Some times the creation of the self signed certificate fails due to lack of random bytes. This problem does not occur during manual script execution

What can be the reason.
Can reading random bytes from prngd in *blocking mode* solve this problem.

On which version of HP-UX are you running? If sufficiently contemporary, there may already be /dev/random or /dev/urandom from which one can pull bytes.

rick j ones
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