Sorry if I sound too obvious. 

Actually I think you need to allocate space for the
buffer, try with 
unsigned char buf[4096] or something. 

I am sure you have tried it ...


--- vipin rathor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi all,
>       i need to fetch the thumbprint of the X509
> cert. and for this i'm using X509_digest(). but it
> is throwing a segmentation fault. any idea how to
> fix this.....
>     this is the code i'm using...
>   void print_thubprint(X509 *cert)
>   {
>     const EVP_MD *md=NULL;
>     unsigned char *buf=NULL;
>     unsigned int len=0;
>   //md=EVP_get_digestbyname("SHA1");
>   /////////////////or
>   //md=EVP_sha1();
>   //both did not help....
>     return=X509_digest(cert,md,buf,&len);  //throws
>   ....
>   //code to access buf [ ]
>   ....
>   }
>   and the gdb output at this line shows:
>   "Program received signal SIGSEGV, segmentation
> fault
>   0x402215ed in SHA1_Final() from
> /usr/lib/"
> i need to call
> EVP_init(),update(),final() explicitly???
>   Thanks in advance,
>   -vipin
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