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First some background.
First issue: I'm wanting to establish certificate-driven, IPSec-based authentication and access on my local LAN. Participants are mainly Windows XP machines (including some laptops via wireless access points which started this process) and a SUSE Linux webserver. The current Windows 2000 server will have Group Policies implemented restricting access to authenticated domain members. (Obviously, the webserver will be excluded from some of these policies). Essentially. access to the domain and the domainserver should be restricted to known machines.
What also needs to occur is that these same known machines require internet access via a Cisco 800 series router. (thus the same IPsec policies on the domain need to be applied as authentication-only policies on the router). Incoming traffic (as distinct from return traffic) needs to be allowed to the webserver.
Second issue is that I wish the Linux webserver to be able to distribute subordinate certificates to web clients.
Started to look at the planning for this and my brain started to hurt.
Anyone tried this and can share some gotchas, do's and don'ts?


Brett Davidson

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