> Hello folks,
> I'm trying to use openssl (OpenSSL 0.9.7i 14 Oct 2005) on Mac OS X to
> encrypt a stream of data using RC4.
> It seems that the RC4 algorithm used in openssl is incompatible with
> some other implementations I found, for instance this PHP
> implementation: http://rc4crypt.devhome.org/ . But I also tested an
> implementation in REALbasic, which didn't work either.
> It seems that openssl is able to encrypt (and decrypt) it's own data
> just fine, but as soon I want to decrypt the data on another
> implementation of RC4 the result is just gibberish. I tried different
> key sizes/lengths, too, with no success.
> How is the openssl-RC4 algorithm differnet from other implementation,
> are there known problems or workarounds?
> Thanks for your help!

        This is almost always a case of the key being handled differently in the
two cases. For example, in one case you may specify the key in ASCII, and in
the other case in base64. One may be in hex and the other in ASCII, 'F'
could mean 15 or it could mean 70. This causes the same key input to result
in a different binary key being fed to the encryption algorithm.


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