What key are you singing in?


04/20/2006 09:34 AM

Please respond to

Singing with certificate


For our customers we make backups (like everyone else).
However, legal restrictions apply to the specific branche we work in. We
are required to encrypt the data.

In the past I was using simple DES3 encryption, but now I would like to
use the customers secure certificate to encrypt the data with (like email).
The customer has a .p12 certificate that they install in Windows. I
first need to export the public key from that in a usuable format. Then
I want to encrypt the data on the fly (as I did in the past).

My command to encrypt using DES was:
tar -cvzf - <what> 2>/dev/null | openssl des3 -salt -k <pass> | dd
of=<tar-file> 2>/dev/null

Now I'm looking for the command to use their public key :)

Thanks in advance...

Rory Vieira
Deno Software B.V.

rory dot vieira at deno-software dot nl
http colon slash slash www deno-software dot nl

Kanaaldijk 5a
5683CR Best

T. +31 (0)499-374220
F. +31 (0)499-374294


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