If your shell is using utf8 you can use -nameopt utf8

Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 05:03:16PM +0200, Bastien Gauthier wrote:

I use OpenSSL to retrieve informations from a certificate, but when an
accent is present (? ? ?, ? ? ?, ...) the ? openssl x509 -text ? return
the accent in a bad encoding ?

St?phan become St\xC3\xA9phan...
Is there a way to avoid this ?

No, it is correctly stored as utf8. How would a receiving application
know whether your name is iso-8859-1 (Latin) or iso-8859-6 (Arabic)?

If you want to view the data as iso-8859-1 you have to decode from utf8.

To verify the signature, see http://edelpki.edelweb.fr/ Cela vous permet de charger le certificat de l'autorité; die Liste mit zurückgerufenen Zertifikaten finden Sie da auch.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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