> David Schwartz schrieb:

> >> The only signals that I have is readyRead() (emit when I can read data
> >> form socked) and bytesWritten() (emit when data was written to the
> >> socked). I seen that OpenSSL will only have data for read when
> >> an Record
> >> was complete transmitted. How can I find out the size of an Record?
> >> Then I can try to call SSL_read only when all data of an record are
> >> received.
> >
> >     You can't teach your application SSL, and it would be
> > madness to try.
> >
> >     If you are doing blocking operations, then no problem,
> > SSL_read will block
> > until it can read at least one byte of application data, which should be
> > what you want.
> >
> >     If you are doing non-blocking operations, then no problem,
> > SSL_read will
> > never block. So just try any time you get data.

> I have try this, but call SSL_read 400 times will not help.

        There's a bit of a language barrier. So I'm not sure I follow you
completely. If SSL_read returns WANT_READ, wait for another indication that
there is data from the socket and then call SSL_read.

> So I have an new Idea to use the BIO system with an memory buffer.
> But I need an call back for BIO_write() so that I can send it so the
> network when openSSL has something to send.

        If you want to do all the network I/O yourself, use bio pairs. It is 
important to remember in this case that you have 4 logically independent
streams of data:

        1) Encrypted data is received from the socket and handed to the SSL 
to decrypt and pass to the application.

        2) Plaintext is received from the application and handed to the SSL 
to encypt and send.

        3) Encrypted data from the SSL engine must be sent on the socket.

        4) Plaintext from your application must be handed to the SSL engine to
encrypt and send.

        It is important that you think of these streams as logically 
Do not assume, for example, that because you just received some encrypted
data over the network, there must be some decrypted data to hand to the
application. Check if there is, for sure, but don't assume it.

        Another weird thing, any change in readiness could make any direction
possible. For example, a previous send of plaintext to be encrypted may have
failed, some data is *received* from the socket, and now that send of
plaintext to the SSL engine *succeeds*.


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