In our server application we removed all fork()/exec() from our server once we started using openSSL. At that time, we were using fork/exec on some platforms, pthreads on others.  We swapped the forking platforms over to use pthreads were very reliable results.
I believe we saw this symptom: following SSL connect/accept, the client sends its first message, which is recv'd by the parent before it actually closes its copy of the socket.   The child, the process which should be send/recv'ing with the client never sees what it expects.  There's more to it than that, but I can't remember more details.
If you have the freedom to use pthreads instead of fork/exec, I'd recommend it.

Dave McLellan -- Common Management Platform Engineering
EMC Corporation
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Urjit Gokhale
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:11 AM
Subject: SSL objects in fork() -> exec scenario

Mentioned below is a normal tcp scenario. Could someone tell me how the following scenario be handled in SSL secured environment
A. Client establishes a tcp connection with the Server
B. Server Forks.
C. Server exec's to start a new process. It passes its socket descriptor to the new process as command line argument.
D. The new process uses the socket descriptor to communicate with the client.
The idea here is to use the existing tcp connection for communication.
Now, if we have this channel secured with SSL, the Client and Server both would have their SSL objects. They will communicate securely through these SSL object. The question here is, how can we provide the required SSL object to the new process, so that it would start using the pre established secured session / channel?
One possible solution I could think of is to use shared memory between the Server and new process. The server, before it exec the new process would create a copy of its SSL object in the shared memory and the new process then will use it.
But I am not sure if such copying of SSL object is safe.
Is there any other solution possible?
Could someone guide me through this?
Thank you,
~ Urjit
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