
This questions is regarding the demo openssl-0.9.8-stable- SNAP-20061004/demos/ssltest-ecc, and in particular the script. What I've done is attempt to specify the hash digest like so:

#earlier in the script i set the digest I want

# and here I've modified to specify the digest:

# Sign the certificate request in $TEST_CA_FILE.req.pem using the
# private key in $TEST_CA_FILE.key.pem and include the CA extension.
# Make the certificate valid for 1500 days from the time of signing.
# The certificate is written into $TEST_CA_FILE.cert.pem
$OPENSSL_CMD x509 -req -days $DAYS \
    -in $CERTS_DIR/$TEST_CA_FILE.req.pem \
    -extfile $OPENSSL_DIR/apps/openssl.cnf \
    -extensions v3_ca \
    -signkey $KEYS_DIR/$TEST_CA_FILE.key.pem \
    -out $CERTS_DIR/$TEST_CA_FILE.cert.pem -$TEST_DIGEST

What I find though is that the resulting certificates are still created with:
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA1

I'm looking for some advice/thoughts on the following three questions:

1) Perhaps I'm just using the CLI incorrectly. Does my method look correct?

2) Perhaps openssl doesn't yet support ecdsa with SHA256?
If so I'd expect an error when I specify -sha256 (as it does if I provide a bogus digest name). Looking through the code though there doesn't appear to be an 'ecdsa-with-SHA256' or similar defined/used. If this is true I guess I'll move over to openssl-dev and see if I can help fix things.

3) Perhaps ecdsa is limited to sha-1?
This seems unlikely and the abstract for X9.62 (ecdsa) seems to claim "The hash functions Approved at the time of publication of this document are SHA-1 (see NOTE), SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512." But I don't have access to the entire document and don't see the 'NOTE' and thus could very well be wrong on this point.

Any responses appreciated. Thanks,

- max

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