> Don't get me wrong, but:
> I have really appreciated you for time you have devoted to answer me,
> but unfortunately it seems like it's rather your desire to be 
> guru for others (i don't want to say ignorance) then real desire 
> to help me, is why you are doing this. (I really don't want be 
> malicious, i'm only trying to
> prevent some usless conversation).

>1. The condition must be met.
>2. Operating system must tell your function about it.

> Who are you? Philosopher or programmer? If you are philosopher then
> yes, you have right, i must be really dumb to not understand that
> condition will be met if it will be met. (1) But if you are
> programmer second condition (2) is not such obvious.

I don't get it. Why are you back on how to tell when a socket event occured? I 
thought you had solved that problem by using events.

Seriously, your problems are more philosophic than programatic.

If OpenSSL is unable to perform an operation, that means it tried it and 
couldn't do it. If that operation was a write, then when it becomes possible, 
you will get a write event. If that operation wasn't a write, then who cares 
when a write becomes possible?


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