Hi all,

We have a problem that we're trying to resolve using openssl.  We have
a Windows based client application that needs to retrieve some
information from a linux / apache webserver.  The client has been
developed in C++Builder and uses the LockBox VCL's for RSA encryption.
At the moment, the client sends some information to a php script
which then calls Wine and in turn a console application application
that performs the necessary RSA encryption using the lockbox vcl's and
private key data.

This is obviously not an ideal solution and we would like to remove
this and use openssl on the server.  We are not in a position to
remove or change the client RSA encryption and so need to be able to
use the lockbox generated key pair data with openssl.  At the minute,
the openssl system does not seem to be able to handle the .asn rsa key
data – I suspect that the LockBox outputs it in a non-standard format.

So does anyone have any information or ideas on how we can get openssl
to work with our LockBox key pair?  On consideration is to assign the
Exponent and Modulose data directly as we also have access to this in
a plain text format?  Does anyone know how we can do this – the
documentation only seems to mention assigning public key exponents and


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