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OpenSSL 0.9.7j on OpenBSD 4.0

1. Created a cert for host.domain1.tld (a mail server that houses
multiple virtual domains, but its real hostname is host.domain1.tld)
using the commands and config file listed below

2. Installed the root CA cert and server cert on the server

3. Installed the root CA cert in Thunderbird on OS X 10.4.10 and
set Thunderbird to trust it for everything

4. When starting Thunderbird, this message always appears:

You have attempted to establish a connection with "host.domain1.tld".
However, the security certificate presented belongs to
"host.domain1.tld". It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be
trying to intercept your communication with this web site.

Note that "host.domain1.tld" is exactly the same string in both cases,
and again it's the canonical name of the mail server.

What's wrong here?

Thanks in advance for clues on troubleshooting this "error."


Command to generate cert on CA:

openssl req -nodes -new -keyout private/host.domain1.tld.key \
 -out csrs/host.domain1.tld.csr -extensions server \
 -config ./openssl.cnf

Command to generate cert:

openssl ca -out certs/host.domain1.tld \
 -in csrs/host.domain1.tld.csr -extensions server \
 -config ./openssl.cnf


[ ca ]
default_ca              = CA_default

[ CA_default ]
dir                     = .
serial                  = $dir/serial
database                = $dir/index.txt
new_certs_dir           = $dir/newcerts
certs                   = $dir/certs
certificate             = $certs/cacert.pem
private_key             = $dir/private/cakey.pem
default_days            = 365
default_md              = md5
preserve                = no
email_in_dn             = no
nameopt                 = default_ca
certopt                 = default_ca
policy                  = policy_match
copy_extensions         = copy

[ CA_with_exts ]
dir                     = .
serial                  = $dir/serial
database                = $dir/index.txt
new_certs_dir           = $dir/newcerts
certs                   = $dir/certs
certificate             = $certs/cacert.pem
private_key             = $dir/private/cakey.pem
default_days            = 365
default_md              = md5
preserve                = no
email_in_dn             = no
nameopt                 = default_ca
certopt                 = default_ca
policy                  = policy_match
copy_extensions         = copy

[ policy_match ]
countryName             = optional
stateOrProvinceName     = optional
organizationName        = optional
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024                  # Size of keys
default_keyfile         = key.pem               # name of generated keys
default_md              = md5                   # message digest algorithm
string_mask             = nombstr               # permitted characters
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions          = v3_req
x509_extensions         = v3_req

[ req_distinguished_name ]
# Variable name           Prompt string
#----------------------   ----------------------------------
0.organizationName      = Organization Name (company)
organizationalUnitName  = Organizational Unit Name (department, division)
emailAddress            = Email Address
emailAddress_max        = 40
localityName            = Locality Name (city, district)
stateOrProvinceName     = State or Province Name (full name)
countryName             = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_min         = 2
countryName_max         = 2
commonName              = Common Name (hostname, IP, or your name)
commonName_max          = 64

# Default values for the above, for consistency and less typing.
# Variable name                   Value
#------------------------------   ------------------------------
0.organizationName_default      = Network Test Inc.
localityName_default            = Westlake Village
stateOrProvinceName_default     = California
countryName_default             = US
organizationalUnitName_default  = Engineering
emailAddress_default            = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints        = CA:TRUE
subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid:always,issuer:always

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

# Some CAs do not yet support subjectAltName in CSRs.
# Instead the additional names are form entries on web
# pages where one requests the certificate...
# uncomment subjectAltName for multiple hosts
subjectAltName          = @alt_names

# uncomment DNS names (changing as necessary) for multiple hosts

DNS.1   = imap.domain1.tld
DNS.2   = mail.domain2.tld
DNS.3   = mail.domain3.tld
DNS.4   = mail.domain4.tld
DNS.5   = mail.domain5.tld
DNS.6   = mail.domain6.tld
DNS.7   = mail.domain7.tld
DNS.8   = mail.domain8.tld

[ server ]
# JY ADDED -- Make a cert with nsCertType set to "server"
nsCertType                      = server
nsComment                       = "OpenSSL Generated Server Certificate"

[ client ]
# JY ADDED -- Make a cert with nsCertType set to "client"
nsCertType                      = client
nsComment                       = "OpenSSL Generated Client Certificate"

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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